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수업자료/고양국제고 수업자료(2023)


by Thisis Geoedu 2023. 4. 25.

오늘은 위치학습입니다. 세계 주요 지역의 위치와 명칭을 파악할 수 있으면 됩니다.

지리를 배우는 가장 고전적인 방법은 백지도에 놓고 학습하는 것입니다. 최근에는 디지털 기기가 널리 보급되면서 게임과 결합한 형태로 즐겁게 배울 수 있는 방법도 많아지고 있습니다.

플래시 게임 중에는 트레블러 아이큐 챌린지(traveler-iq-challenge)가 있습니다. 문제에 나오는 위치를 지도에서 얼마나 가깝게 고르는지로 점수가 매겨지는 게임입니다.

크리에이터 사이에서 잠깐 유행이었던 게임 중에는 지오게서(geoguesser)가 있습니다. 구글 스트리트뷰로 펼쳐지는 모습을 보고, 주어진 정보를 조합하여 어느 도시인지를 추론하는 게임입니다.

역시 최고는 Seterra입니다. 사실 한국화된 버전이 나오면 좋겠습니다.



Asia: Countries

Learn all the countries of Asia by playing this fun geography game online! Just click the map to answer the questions.




Asia: Physical Features

Asia: Physical Features - Map Quiz Game: The Asian landmass is the largest in the world and contains a huge variety of physical features. In China and India, rivers flowing along fertile agricultural plains have served thriving civilizations for thousands




North and Central America: Countries

Finding the United States on a blank map is easy, but Costa Rica is a little bit more difficult to locate. Try our geography game to learn all 14 countries in North and Central America.





North America: Physical Features

North America: Physical Features - Map Quiz Game: Two of the largest countries in the world by area are located on the North American continent. In all that space the climates range from subtropical in Florida and nearby areas to polar in Alaska and much o




South America: Countries

Can you locate Peru and Suriname on a blank map? Learn all the countries of South America by playing this fun map game! Just click the map to answer the questions.





South America: Physical Features

South America: Physical Features - Map Quiz Game: The South American continent is dominated by Brazil, which in turn is dominated by the massive Amazon rainforest that takes up most of its area. There are, however, many other physical features and differen





Europe: Countries

Learn all the countries of Europe by playing this fun geography game! Just click the map to answer the questions.





Europe: Physical Features

Europe: Physical Features - Map Quiz Game: The physical features of Europe extend from the coast of Portugal in the west to the Ural Mountains of Russia in the east. Russia, of course, continues to stretch east on the other side of the Urals, but that moun





Africa Countries Map & Quiz - Can You Locate All 55 Countries? - Seterra

There are over one billion people living in the African continent. With a population of over 170 million and growing, Nigeria is the largest of the countries. Using this free map quiz game, you can learn about Nigeria and 54 other African countries. You mi




Africa: Physical Features - Map Quiz Game - Seterra

The continent of Africa is known for its iconic landscapes, including rain forests, deserts, mountains, rivers, and savannas. The Nile River, for example, is considered to be the longest river in the world, and Mount Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in




Oceania: Countries

Oceania: Countries - Map Quiz Game: Oceania includes Australia, Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia, which are broken up into 14 independent countries. It has a land area of 3,291,903 sq mi, spanning the eastern and western hemispheres. This quiz game will





World: Physical Features

World: Physical Features - Map Quiz Game: At its most basic level, geographic knowledge includes being able to identify the most prominent physical features of the world. For centuries people have found ways to live in and around the world’s great rivers




World: Physical Features

World: Physical Features - Map Quiz Game: At its most basic level, geographic knowledge includes being able to identify the most prominent physical features of the world. For centuries people have found ways to live in and around the world’s great rivers



게임은 게임이니까 즐거운 마음으로 가끔 해보면 좋습니다.

하지만 이번 기회에 확실하게 학습하고 넘어가면 앞으로 내내 좋습니다.


꼭 완전히 자신의 것으로 만들기 바랍니다. 각 대륙별로 주요 지형과 국가와 도시의 위치 정도는 알고 있어야 그 뒤에 수업을 쌓아나갈 수 있습니다.

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